HIPAA Compliance badge
HIPAA Compliant
AICPA SOC 2 Certification badge
AICPA SOC 2 Certified
ViuHealth takes the highest precaution to ensure your data is protected and safe so you can focus on your day-to-day autoimmune care
Kwaku Owusu
Founder & CEO, ViuHealth

We Take Every Measure to Keep Your Data Safe

Questions about our security practices? See our Privacy Policy.
ViuHealth keeps your health records secure and only shares data with your explicit permission
We continuously monitor our network with the latest cybersecurity tools and techniques
We encrypt your health data to ensure security and privacy
ViuHealth is already trusted by thousands of patients and top research organizations
Image of Kwaku Owusu
ViuHealth takes the highest precaution to ensure your data is protected and safe so you can focus on your day-to-day autoimmune care.
Kwaku Owusu
Founder & CEO, ViuHealth

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Secure & Trusted

ViuHealth is trusted by thousands of our members, large
healthcare organizations and leading researchers.
ViuHealth is trusted by thousands of our members, large healthcare organizations and leading researchers.


We ensure the highest benchmarks in host and network encryption, patch management, physical security, and network security.

External Assessments

We enlist independent security firms to conduct annual third-party penetration tests to assess our site for vulnerabilities.